HHA Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

  • Clock in/out #: 866-505-2489 in English
  • Clock in/out #: 866-394-3730 in Español 
  • Clock in/out #: 866-394-3747 in 한국인 Korean

New caregiver will get ID and app assigned by HR.

You have an OPTION to use an APP if you have a smart phone.  Please download HHA APP for easier EVV Clockin.   Contact our office for USERID or a FOB Device that will let you use your own cell phone.

Login and Logout Instructions

  1. New HHA Call In number is 866-505-2489
  2. You must be calling from the number associated with your client, which must be a landline.  If not using a landline, FOB device or APP must be used.
  3. When prompted, indicated whether you are logging IN or logging OUT.
    1. For Clock In: Press “1” and Enter you Assignment ID
    2. For Clock Out: Press “2” and Enter your Assignment ID. When Clocking OUT you will need to Enter DUTY ID # which is a 3 digit number.  You will need to enter 5 duties, after you entered all of them press “000” and this will end your Clock OUT.
  4. Confirm the entry. Note: If you enter your Assignment ID incorrectly, the system prompts you to reenter your credentials. If you fail to enter your Assignment ID after several attempts, the system stops you from placing an EVV and you must contact your Manager.
  5. If the EVV is placed successfully, then  the following automated message is heard: “Your call has been successfully registered”



Instruciones para ponchar.

  1. Llame al 1-866-394-3730
  2. Marque el número provisto en la parte delantera de este folleto desde el
    teléfono de la casa del Miembro. Nota: Si no puede usar el teléfono
    particular del miembro, comuníquese con su administrador para ver si hay
    otros números de teléfono registrados y aprobados para el Miembro (para realizar el EVV).
    Oprima 1 para Clock In según el sistema.     
  3. Para Pnchar la Salida: Oprima “2” Cuando poncha la salida usted necesitara Entrar DUTY ID # son los 3 numeros digitales.  Usted necesitara entrar 5 responsabilidades y despues que los entre presione “000” y con esto finalizara su Ponche de Salida.
  4. Ingrese su Assignment ID/Caregiver ID (número de asignatura proveído por su Agencia).
  5. Confirme la entrada. Nota: Si ingresa su Assignment ID de manera incorrecta, el sistema le solicitará que vuelva a ingresar sus
    credenciales. Si no ingresa su Assignment ID después de varios
    intentos, el sistema le impide hacer un EVV y debe comunicarse con su
  6. Si el EVV se hace correctamente, se escucha el siguiente mensaje
    automatizado (en inglés) indicando éxito: “Your call has been successfully



Por favor de poner un recordatorio de alarma, haci usted se acordara de ponchar para su entrada y salida.


Es esencial sequir estas instrucciones para que sus hojas de tiempo sean procesadas correctamente y a tiempo.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) – 8월 2일부터 시작

새 근무 ID/간병인 ID는 현재 사용하시고 있는 번호 앞자리에 ‘10’이 들어갑니다. 예를 들어 현재 ID가 ‘7748’일 경우, 새 ID는 107748입니다.


더 간편하게 EVV 로그인과 로그아웃을 하시려면 HHA앱을 다운받으세요. 사무실에 연락해서 앱 아이디를 받으시면 됩니다.


로그인과 로그아웃 설명서

  1. 새 HHA 번호는 866-394-3747 입니다.
  2. 환자분과 연관되어 있는 전화번호로 연락을 하셔야 합니다.


  1. 다음, 로그인 혹은 로그아웃을 하는지 선택하세요.
  1. 근무 시작:  로그인 1번 누르기
  2. 로그아웃 하실때 2번을 선택히면 세자릿수 번호 DUTY(근무) ID을 선택하셔야 됍니다. 다섯개 근무 ID 을 선택 하셔셔 입력 하시고 마지막으로 000 을 누루시면 로그아웃이 됍니다 
  3. 사무실에서 지정한 근무 ID/간병인 ID 입력
  1. 선택하신 것을 재확인하세요. 알림: 만약 근무 ID를 잘못 입력하시면 시스템이 다시 입력하라고 지시합니다. 만약 근무 ID를 몇 차례 잘못 입력하시면 EVV를 할 수 없게 되며 사무실 담당자에게 연락하셔야 합니다.
  2. 만약 EVV를 성공적으로 입력하셨다면 다음과 같은 음성 메시지를 듣게 될 것입니다:
    “Your call has been successfully registered.”

*로그인과 로그아웃을 잊지 않게 알림 설정을 하세요*

*설명서를 잘 따르셔야 여러분들의 스케줄이 정확하고 제 시간에 처리될 것입니다*

What is EVV?

Electronic visit verification (EVV) is a process used to effectively capture and verify home health care visits. The EVV solution is to be used by all employees and is required in PA.

Part of the EVV process is also document all the daily tasks, Patient Weekly Care Plan Form, this form is required to be submitted weekly online or emailed a printed copy to phlhomecare@gmail.com. (Link to the form is in Helpful Links)

Following are acceptable EVV Capture Events:

To use a HHAExchange app with GPS tracking will require you to have a Smartphone devise (Apple or Android).

Clients Landline Registered Home Phone Number.

Contact your Care and Help Coordinator to ensure you have correct client and caregiver numbers.

To use smartphone app for clock in and out, contact your coordinator or hr@carehc.com

Why must EVV be used?

EVV is a federally mandated policy under Section 12006 of the 21st Century Cures Act that which requires all states to implement the use of EVV for Medicaid-funded personal care and home health care services.

What EVV system will Care and Help be using?

Care and Help will be utilizing the Rosemark EVV system.

What is the call-in number for EVV?

The call in number for our agency to EVV is 855-538-5833.

Where can I find my login information?

You will be able to obtain your Caregiver and Client numbers from your assigned coordinator.

How do I clock into my shift?

After entering your Caregiver number, you will be prompted to indicate whether you are logging in or logging out. For login please press “1”.

How do I clock out of my shift?

After entering your Caregiver number, you will be prompted to indicate whether you are logging in or logging out. For logout please press “2”.

What if I forget to clock in/out?

Do not EVV at random. It will not go into our system and will not verify your hours. Please contact your coordinator ASAP and they will submit your time with further instructions for you.

Can paper time sheets still be submitted?

No. The state will no longer accept paper time sheets. However, your coordinator might ask you for one if necessary.

What if a Caregiver is out sick or a Patient is hospitalized?

If patient is hospitalized, Care and Help coordinator must be immediately notified of the admission.  Direct Care Worker will not be compensated during hospitalization period.  Please refer to Employee Handbook for additional details.

Clock Out Duties

Duty # Duty Name
115 Meal Preparation
116 Housework / Chore
117 Managing Finances
118 Managing Medications
119 Shopping
120 Transportation
121 Range of Motion
122 Hygiene
123 Dressing Upper
124 Dressing Lower
125 Locomation
126 Transfers
127 Toilet Use
128 Bed Mobility
129 Eating
130 Bladder Incontinence
131 Bowel Incontinence
132 Personal Care
134 Bathing

Clock Out Duties

No. de responsabilidad/ Nombre de responsabilidad
115 Preparación de la comida
116 Tareas domésticas / quehaceres
117 Manejo de las finanzas
118 Manejo de medicamentos
119 Compras
120 Transporte
121 Rango de movimiento
122 Higiene
123 Vestir la parte superior
124 Vestir la parte Inferior
125 Locomoción/Movimiento
126 Traslados
127 Uso del baño
128 Movilidad de camas
129 Comer
130 Incontinencia de vejiga
131 Incontinencia intestinal
132 Cuidado personal
134 Baño

Clock Out Duties

115 식사 준비 Meal Preparation
116  집 청소 Housework / Chore
117 재정 관리 Managing Finances
118  약 관리 Managing Medications
119  쇼핑 Shopping
120  교통수단 Transportation
121 가동 범위 도움 Range of Motion
122 위생 관리  Hygiene
123 상의 착용 Dressing Upper
124  하의 착용 Dressing Lower
125  보행 도움 Locomotion
126  자리 이동 Transfers
127  변기 사용 Toilet Use
128 침대 이동 Bed Mobility
129 음식 섭취 Eating
130 소변 관리 Bladder Incontinence
131  대변 관리 Bowel Incontinence
132 개인 관리 Personal Care
134  목욕 Bathing

Use this Form Only if you want to Bring a Client or Become a Client.

Send us a quick message to learn how you can get started with working with Care & Help Home Care.

Eligible Insurance Providers

A Trustworthy Home Care Provider

Care & Help Home Care, LLC is a home care provider serving the greater Philadelphia area through a network of highly experienced professionals in various fields of patient care, who coordinate and provide premium non-skilled, non-medical services to clients in the comfort of their own home. We encourage you to join our growing team so you can be paid to provide care for your loved ones and increase their quality of life.


Care & Help Home Care has partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to increase opportunities for older Pennsylvanians and individuals with physical disabilities to remain in their homes. Learn more about the benefits of joining our team.

Get Paid to Care for Loved Ones

Working for Care & Help Home Care, LLC allows you to spend more time with your loved ones while being compensated for your time and care.

No Professional Skills Required

Our network of caregivers non-skilled and non-medical care to patients. There are no educational or certifiable skills required to get started.

Medicare and Medicaid Qualification

If your loved ones receive both Medicare and Medicaid or receive long-term supports through Medicaid, they may be qualified.

Transferring to Care & Help is Easy

If you already work with another company to provide home care for your loved ones, please contact us to see if we can offer you a better incentive package.

Contact Us to Get Started

Send us a quick message to learn how you can get started with working with Care & Help Home Care.